Bob’s Brain: Metal finishing and what you need to know about rust prevention.


The most common type of corrosion – called atmospheric corrosion – occurs when a metal surface is exposed to oxygen and moisture which then causes a chemical reaction producing iron oxide or rust. 对于金属精加工来说,生锈是一个后果严重的问题. 这是我们和拉里·恩斯利的对话, 技术应用总监,并就如何解决这一问题分享想法.


防止腐蚀最常用的方法是涂防锈剂. There are other types of prevention you can do — such as painting or plating — but corrosion preventatives or rust preventatives are the most economical and easy methods to prevent corrosion on the surface of a metal part.

我们通常把它们归类为防锈剂. The first class is a water-displacing product that works by displacing the water from the surface of a part and leaving a thin protective film behind. Another type is a soluble oil — or emulsifiable oil — that mixes water and oil to form an emulsion. 这些通常用于需要高flash澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的地方, 提前购买它们更经济、更便宜, but they typically give less corrosion protection than water displacing products. Another class would be 临时防锈剂; where the other products last months or years, you could get hours to days of rust protection from a temporary rust inhibitor. 这些都很好,因为, 在生产氛围中, 你想要在喷漆或电镀之前保护新生产的零件, 但你不想让油污染你的油漆或镀线. So these products are easily removed and used in applications prior to painting and plating. The next type is dry film type products such as waxes and lacquers; the waxes are typically used where you need torque reduction or some minor rust inhibition, and lacquers are used for aesthetics where you don’t want the product to come off not only on the packaging but also on the customer’s hands.

通常,最有效的方法是浸泡. 然而,防锈剂可以通过喷雾、刷子或海绵来使用. 我见过它们在许多不同方面的应用, but the most efficient method to apply a rust preventative is immersion; it ensures 100% coverage on the surface of the part.

Rust is typically thought of as something that happens very slowly over a period of months or years. Flash rust is just like it sounds: it happens very quickly, hours to days or even minutes. It is caused because the surface of the metal is so active in the presence of water or moisture and oxygen. What advice would you give a finisher about solving 问题 that they are having with corrosion, 他们从哪里开始呢? 如果我和一个新手聊天, 我要告诉这个人的第一件事是, 根据美国注册工程师协会的说法. 美国.S. 通常花费在17美元左右.每年50亿美元用于腐蚀. So, the first thing I’ll tell them is to look at their process and ensure that they’re getting corrosion protection throughout the entire process, and that includes the processes prior to subsequent operations such as painting or plating, 一直到最终用户的需求. We need to have rust protection across the entire board so that you do not have to go back and re-manufacture, 再加工, 返工甚至报废零件.

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场最近有了什么进展 为了抵抗这些腐蚀和生锈 问题?
我首先想到的是三种产品. 我们的产品线被称为Metal Guard®
number one thing that every customer asks is: what is your best rust preventative? 什么给你最好的防锈保护? 我们最近开发了一种叫做Metal Guard®560的产品,它给你
二倍防锈保护您的典型长效防锈. This is measured in salt spray hours; most customers are very familiar with the ASTM B117 corrosion exposure, 100小时是行业标准. 我们得到了它的两倍, 使用Metal Guard®560提供超过200小时的防腐保护, 并且看到了它在行业中的成功. We want to do more with less; we want to use less product — if possible — and get as good or better protection. 我们使用的是一种名为Metal Guard®320的可溶性油, 而不是用10%的体积, we’re able to cut the concentration in half and still get better corrosion production than most people are getting with a 10% solution. 这使得客户使用更少的产品,得到更好的保护. Another more sustainable product line is called Metal Guard® 700; it’s a long-term water-based product that is designed to be used as received. It gives the same protection as many solvent-based products, and it’s eco-friendly. It’s based on environmentally-friendly raw materials, so it’s a more sustainable product.

什么是Metal Guard®?
Metal Guard® is a corrosion rust preventative line of products from Hubbard-Hall, 它被设计成
防止金属表面腐蚀. 我们有几个不同的类别:水置换, 水溶性, 临时防锈剂, 或者漆和蜡.

Metal Guard®是如何工作的?
Metal Guard® works by applying a protective film barrier on the surface of a metal part. 通常,
rust preventative is dissolved in a carrier such as mineral spirits or water. 该部件浸在MetalGuard®中, 当零件被拔出时, 载体蒸发 — water or mineral spirits — and it leaves this thin film barrier on the surface of the part and provides protection and keeps it from being exposed to oxygen and water.

有不同类型的Metal Guard®吗?
Yes, there are water displacing products that are designed to displace water from the surface of the
part and leave the rust preventative behind; these are typically solvent-based products. There are watersoluble products that are emulsified oils; these are typically your more economical versions and give higher flash points but less rust protection than your solvent-based products. 然后, 我们有水基或临时金属防护®产品, which are designed to be used in-process and are easily removed prior to painting or plating so that you don’t contaminate cleaning lines. 我们也有蜡和漆, which are our dry film products that are designed to either improve torque reduction and reduce the coefficient of friction if we’re talking about waxes, and the lacquers are designed to give dry-film rust protection on parts for aesthetic looks.

如何应用Metal Guard®?
Metal Guard®可以喷涂、刷涂或浸泡. 这是最典型的,也是最有效的
method — is immersion so that you ensure that the entire product is coated with a rust preventative.
一旦从防锈层上取下来, 载体蒸发, 这会让薄膜生锈












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